Live Feed Spoilers: HoH Cameron wheels, deals and makes a big move
Live Feed Spoilers: HoH Cameron wheels, deals and makes a big move

John Powell –
This week is Cameron’s second crack at bat and it is looking like he wants to hit a home run.
During his first reign on week four he put Blue and Jag on the block leading to Jag’s eviction…return.
This week Cameron has made a big move and nominated Izzy and Felicia for eviction after telling almost everyone that Jag and Blue were going on the block.
Last night, Red’s eviction though was fresh on the minds of Cameron and Bowie. They met and compared notes.
“The two cameras trained on us because they knew that we didn’t know,” said Cameron about the live show.
“I asked Cirie if it was me and her. She told me she was so sorry. I f—–g stormed past her. I have since chatted with her and it is fine,” said an angry Bowie.
“I knew you were going to say that when you hugged me after I won HoH. Whoops! I guess you and I were the two votes. You got that part right!” laughed Cameron.
“I hope people aren’t scared that we are talking,” said Bowie.
“Well, I am HoH now so we can be talking,” said Cameron.
“Look at our b——t team,” commented Bowie shaking her head.
“It isn’t a b——t team. I love the team! They are my family!” replied Cameron sarcastically.
“I love our team! They are amazing! Jag’s got to go this week!” laughed Bowie. “It is amazing how things change all the time in here.”
They agreed that Felicia is not going to do well on slop.
“Felicia is going to collapse especially when I put her up as a pawn,” joked Cameron.
Blue was the first to chat with Cameron in his HoH room. Blue explained that she is still navigating relationships and her journey has been an up and down battle in the house. She said she only feels secure with Jared and America as she knows Jag has been campaigning against her.
“He has been actively campaigning against me not to just one person but many,” she said.
Cameron was quick to sympathize.
“Red ran me through the mud this week. I don’t know what his deal was,” said Cameron.
Bowie woke up Cameron early Friday morning with some news to share.
“The people I am talking to said they found out an hour before. Felicia was driving it,” she said about the house flipping to voting out Red instead of Jag.
Bowie is sure that Felicia not only led the flip but lied to people to convince them to send Red home.
“She is a sloppy and dangerous player,” said Bowie about Felicia.
“It is Jag and Blue and the replacement is America,” about his possible nominations.
Cirie had her meeting with Cameron in the front room after breakfast. It was short and to the point.
“I didn’t throw you under the bus to Red so I am not going to throw people under the bus. That is not what I do but what I will say is nobody wants to be nominated or be a replacement and neither do I,” said Cirie.
“That isn’t the plan,” replied Cameron saying they cannot afford to put up pawns anymore but she is safe with him this week.
Cameron brokered a deal with Jag when they spoke in the HoH room. Cameron told Jag flat out that he doesn’t trust him.
“I was voted out ten to zero so I know I am expendable. It is a waste of time for us to be taking shots at each other,” said Jag. “All I can offer is my honesty with you. We have to cut the b——t. We are both at the bottom of the f—–g barrel…I feel it will be a short road for the both of us.”
“I don’t trust you at all. We are on a road. The conversations we have had have come back to me,” Cameron countered.
“Exactly the same thing happened with me,” said Jag about private conversations he had with Cameron. He assumed it is because there is overlap in the people who they trust in the house.
“The boat that we are both in, we are trying to trust each other but we are also trying to play this game and keep our other relationships in tact,” said Cameron. “You are a good social player. That is the utmost compliment I can give you. I absolutely adore you. I love hanging out with you. I am very separated when it comes to game and personal.”
“I really want to put you on the block right next to Blue. I really want that but I think you are right in the fact that it wouldn’t benefit us but I want to do it. What you offered me is the same thing I am going to offer in return,” continued Cameron.
Cameron said he will think about building their trust by not nominating Jag this week. In return he expects Jag to keep him safe next week.
“I am serious about the things I am saying and I will hold up to that promise,” said Jag accepting the offer.
“If anything comes back to me, it is over. This is the only shot we have,” said Cameron.
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Big Brother airs Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves, on Global TV.