Live Feed Spoilers: Cameron hatches another scheme
Live Feed Spoilers: Cameron hatches another scheme

By John Powell –
HoH Cameron has yet another scheme up his sleeve. He revealed all to the veto winner after the ceremony today.
This week’s nominations are a lock. Either Felicia or Izzy are going home as Jared didn’t use the power to change Cameron’s picks.
“This part is not fun and the guilt trip,” said Jared to Cameron in the HoH room about Felicia’s reaction. Felicia believed her “son” in the house would save her from the block.
“I saw it coming,” laughed Cameron.
“Did everyone think you were going to use it?” he asked Jared.
Jared nodded in the affirmative.
“F—k it! I am ready to move on now into next week and keep moving this train forward,” said Jared sighing.
“You want some more fun?” asked Cameron slyly.
“For real?” asked Jared.
Cameron said his play will be to act angry at Jared for ruining his plan this week.
“My backdoor plan was to separate you and Blue and you caught word of that from Cory. People are going to be more suspicious of him,” said Cameron.
“Sounds good to me, bro,” said Jared signing off on the plan.
“You are the only person I didn’t hug down there,” said Cameron alerting Jared to the fact that he already set his plan in motion.
Before the ceremony Cameron and Jared touched base in the storage room.
“And I have to wear THIS thing,” said Cameron of his punishment pig costume.
“Keep it running,” said Cameron of Jared telling everyone he hasn’t decided whether he will use the veto or not.
“I woke up this morning and I am not scared,” said Jared.
“Good,” replied Cameron.
“I woke up this more feeling joy,” Cameron grinned.
“Let’s go get them, Tiger,” said Jared.
“Always,” replied Cameron.
Jared sung a very different tune to Felicia and Cirie who due to a punishment from the veto competition must travel around the house together in a kayak.
“They are all scared because they feel as if they are eligible at this point,” said Jared of the rest of the house.
“Everybody is sucking up,” snickered Felicia.
“Pretty much but you will see a complete energy shift on Thursday,” replied Jared.
“Who do you think Cam wants out more me or Izzy?” asked Felicia.
“Izzy. He has a deep distain for Izzy,” Jared answered without any hesitation. “He just wants you to all know you aren’t untouchable. He thinks you are the brains and Izzy just goes around and does everything for you.”
“Why does he want Izzy gone then?” asked Felicia.
“Because without Izzy he thinks you are all nothing,” said Jared mentioning that Cam believes Izzy is a better competitor too.
“He feels that she could win more competitions and he literally hates her,” said Jared.
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Big Brother airs Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves, on Global TV.