Ian Terry says twists ‘accelerated’ his demise
Ian Terry says twists ‘accelerated’ his demise

By John Powell – GlobalTV.com
Falling from first place to eleventh, Ian Terry has had quite the tumble this season. The winner of Big Brother 14 waited far too long to start playing the game this season and once he did, it was too late to dig himself out of the hole he was in. Besides perhaps Nicole, Ian didn’t have any strong alliances or bonds that might have gotten him through this week to triumph over Tyler as they sat on the block side by side. Those Big Brother Basement powers didn’t help matters much either.
“Point blank it was two things. One, I wasn’t in the big alliance from the beginning. That is going to cause problems if you are not in the big alliance. Two, the last week there was a really weird sequence of events with the whole Disrupter twist. It just made it so my place in the pecking order may have been pretty low but I got accelerated all the way to the top of the list because there was really no one else. That is where I would say things went wrong,” said Ian about how his game took a turn for the worse.
If Ian had survived the block he would have had a very clear battle plan going forward.
“If I had stayed in the house I wouldn’t have gone after Kevin and David because if I would have stayed I would have gotten their votes. Had I stayed I would have gone after the people who didn’t vote for me and the person who I would have targeted if I had stayed would have been Christmas,” he revealed.
As a former winner Ian put a lot on the line returning to the game of Big Brother perhaps more than the other houseguests except the other former winner, Nicole. Overall, the experience had its ups and downs.
“The positives are that it is an interesting game and it is interesting to play. The negatives are it is extremely stressful to play at the same time. Obviously the added stress of having to play again this time with people who are generally pretty easy to get along with makes it more difficult to vote them out,” he said of his second Big Brother tour of duty.
Thursday was Ian first time being evicted from the Big Brother house and now he is also a juror for the first time. He and the other evictees will ultimately determine the winner of Big Brother All-Stars 2. Tyler and Kevin are on Ian’s radar at present but for very different reasons.
“I think the person playing the best game right now is probably Tyler. I think Tyler is playing the best game. I think the person playing the worst game, very tough to say, I would have to say Kevin. He really doesn’t have the social bonds with people that might take him further in the game. So, I would hate to say it but Kevin,” he said.
As someone who is on the autism spectrum Ian is grateful that CBS gave him a platform again to not only make people aware of what being on the spectrum means but to show people that there is more to an individual, that their condition shouldn’t be the trait that defines them.
“I am really glad I could make people more educated about this. I think one thing to keep in mind is that it is a spectrum. There are varying degrees of that. It affects everybody differently. It is also not someone’s identity if they are on the spectrum. I have a lot of friends, I know a lot of people, that are also on the spectrum and it is not their identity,” he said proudly.
Big Brother All-Stars 2 airs on Global three times a week: Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Thursdays (8:00-9:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves.