Cliff regrets trusting Jackson
Cliff regrets trusting Jackson

By John Powell –
It was a move that cost Cliff the game. Voting out Tommy instead of Holly set in motion a chain of events that led to Cliff’s downfall in the Big Brother house. Cliff and Nicole fell for Jackson’s deception keeping a showmance in the game and evicting an ally in Tommy.
The petroleum engineer from Texas wishes he hadn’t believed Jackson over Tommy.
“I definitely have regrets. It’s probably the biggest regret of my entire game. I had trusted Michie throughout this season. We had talked in detail about the value of a handshake this entire season. Also, during the argument, I did start to believe Michie’s version of the story more because Tommy was telling some things that did not add up and I knew were not correct. And Nicole was telling me Tommy was acting very sketchy with her,” he explained.
This week marks the second time Cliff was voted out of the game. He was evicted on Day 24 but won the Battle Back Competition and a second chance. Cliff altered his strategy accordingly after that.
“Originally I had planned to stay under the radar in this game but after being voted out I took a more aggressive strategy and really decided to face the problem directly in targeting Jack who I thought was the strongest and the linchpin the alliance of eight,” he said.
Admitting that he would like to see a final two of Holly and Nicole, Cliff was fully prepared for to face the jury. He would have argued that he was the “ultimate Big Brother survivor and fighter” and despite his age proved he “could adapt and adjust every single week”.
During his time in the house, feed watchers and television viewers saw Cliff talk to the cameras and the audience with what came to be known as his Cliff Notes addresses. Cliff was constantly communicating with fans, friends and family in this way. Some fans accused Cliff of pandering to the cameras to better his chances of winning America’s Favourite Houseguest. Cliff claims that wasn’t true at all.
“My primary goal was to just survive each week and see how far I could go but I am a HUGE fan of Big Brother so I wanted to make it as entertaining as possible for both myself and my family and friends watching back home. Hence the pranks, the humor and the amount of time I spent talking to the cameras,” he said.
Even though things ended the way they did for him and his game, one thing Cliff doesn’t regret is his friendship and partnership with Nicole.
“She was the one person that I trusted and that I could bounce ideas off of. I tried not to be the dominant personality and wanted to treat it as a partnership. I do think there were weeks where one of us contributed more and other weeks things reversed but certainly in these last few weeks Nicole’s competition wins were a huge part of our partnership,” he said.
It is no secret that the dedicated family man missed his wife and children all summer. Even though he didn’t win the $500,000 grand prize Cliff hopes he did them all proud.
“That means more to me than anything else in this world. I miss them immensely. I have travelled all over the world with my career but I have been able to talk to them every day. Not being able to talk to them or have any connection for the past three months was horrible and something that I would never want to repeat,” he said.
Next Wednesday the finale of Big Brother airs at 9:30 ET on Global TV.