Celebrity Big Brother Spoilers: Omarosa returns, noms are made
Celebrity Big Brother Spoilers: Omarosa returns, noms are made

By: John Powell – GlobalTV.com
After leaving to receive medical attention, Omarosa is back in the Big Brother house and the game.
Omarosa returned Saturday evening and promptly went to rest in bed.
On the live feeds, it was revealed that HOH Ross had put Omarosa and Keshia on the block.
Speaking with Mark privately, Keshia heaped the blame on Omarosa for all the turmoil in the house but isn’t sure what to do about it. All she knows for sure is that people need to do what is best for their games.
Ross talked with Ariadna. Omarosa is a mystery to him. He is not sure who the real Omarosa is. Is it the reality show villain or the oftentimes sensitive person? He is sure of one thing though, anyone sitting beside Omarosa in the finals will win.
In a strategy session with Marissa later on, Ross said they should keep Ariadna and Brandi around and mulled over whether it is too early to target Shannon, to maybe backdoor her this week.