Celebrity Big Brother Spoilers: HoH Blindsides The House
Celebrity Big Brother Spoilers: HoH Blindsides The House

By: John Powell – GlobalTV.com
It was a stunner of a Power of Veto meeting.
Canadian comic Tom Green is not only Head of Household but also the Power of Veto holder.
At today’s Veto Ceremony he pulled Ricky off the block and nominated Lolo in his place. Either Lolo or Natalie will be leaving the Celebrity Big Brother house.
The move bewildered everyone as Tom had mentioned time and time again how he wanted to get Ricky out of the house more than anyone else.
Speaking to Kandi last night, Tom was insistent that Ricky go home.
“I don’t want Natalie to go. I want Ricky to go so I am going to do what I gotta do to get Ricky,” said Tom.
Ricky was walking around with the Power of Veto around his neck when the live feeds returned following the Power of Veto meeting.
“There was some kind of transformation that went on upstairs. He was more real,” said Ricky to the others in the kitchen of Tom.
“I don’t think so,” said Lolo.
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“The real question is do you forgive him now?” asked Lolo.
“I wasn’t ever not going to forgive him. I didn’t hold anything against him. All I was ever asking of him was to be real,” said Ricky sitting at the counter.
Tamar laughed out loud.
“When you come to peace with all possibilities things happen magically. When you stay paranoid you put that energy out there,” Ricky preached.
Lolo said she was at peace. Ricky fired back that she wasn’t otherwise she would still be a peace now even though she was nominated for eviction.
“I am at peace. Have I snapped? I made jokes up there but you are shaking your head, Ricky. That’s not cool,” she said.
While all of this was going on downstairs Tom was watching the video monitors in the HoH room upstairs.
This is the rest of the Celebrity Big Brother schedule on GlobalTV:
Thursday, Feb. 7 |
9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT |
Friday, Feb. 8 |
8:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT |
(2-Hour Episode) |
Monday, Feb. 11 |
9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT |
Wednesday, Feb. 13 |
8:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT |