Big Brother’s multiverse of madness unleashes another Survivor twist
Big Brother’s multiverse of madness unleashes another Survivor twist

By John Powell –
Big Brother’s universes are colliding, have become a multiverse of madness, and this time we cannot blame The Scarlet Witch for the ensuing chaos.
Days ago, fans learned that former Big Brother houseguests Frankie Grande, Britney Haynes and Danielle Reyes “broke into” the house in an attempt to go back in time and change the outcome of their seasons using a “Time Laser”. Their incursion caused the house and the game to become fractured as host Julie Chen Moonves explained to the houseguests before they moved in on the premiere episode.
“Their plan backfired and the Big Brother multiverse has cracked open. What this means for you is not only have they changed the house but they have changed the game creating the most unpredictable season of Big Brother ever,” she told the 16 new houseguests before they moved and competed in their first challenge.
That group of challenges wasn’t for Head of Household though as in previous seasons. They were for safety. The houseguests picked between four competitions in four multiverse areas: The BB Comicverse, The Humiliverse, The Scaryverse and The Scrambleverse.
Jared Fields, the son of Survivor’s Cirie Fields, came last in the Scrambleverse competition.
Kirsten Elwin was last in the Humiliverse competition.
The Comicverse challenge saw Felicia Cannon come in fourth.
Cory Wurtenberger was last in the Scaryverse competition and dragged out of view into the “NetherRealm”. It is not known when he will return to the house and the game.
In yet another Survivor connection, Cory is the brother of Survivor 42’s Zach Wurtenberger.
Cory, Felicia, Kirsten and Jared are now all nominated for eviction this week.
In what could be a blessing or curse for Jared, it was also revealed on premiere night that his mother Cirie was indeed the 17th houseguest. She was waiting for the houseguests in the kitchen when the competitions were over.
Starting on August 6th Big Brother will air Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves, on Global TV.