Big Brother 21’s Campy Premiere
Big Brother 21’s Campy Premiere

Big Brother 21, Episode 1 Recap
By John Powell –
Will it be like Camp Crystal Lake? Will it be like Camp Chippewa? Will it be a bit of both? No matter how this summer shakes out, Camp Big Brother is now open for the season.
Season 21 of Big Brother USA began its summer camp theme with an extraordinary power up for grabs.
Before they could savour a sip of that celebratory champagne, the houseguests had to vote for a Camp Director.
“I suggest you think long and hard about this decision because this Camp Director will be given unprecedented power,” said host Julie Chen Moonves to the houseguests.
The Camp Director will not only be safe from this week’s vote but they will pick four houseguests to banish to the wilderness. Of those four, only three will return to the game.
Cliff Hog III was the first to lobby for the position citing he was the oldest person in the house so having a week of protection would be great for his game.
“I am willing to take on the pressure, good or bad,” said David Alexander also putting his hat in the ring.
Jessica Milagros was next to throw her name out there. She promised not to vote with her emotions as she is a balanced person.
Jackson Michie was the last to stand up and speak up.
“The game has started so let’s kick-start this horse,” said Jackson.
After a vote, it was Jackson who was awarded the position.
His first directive though was not a pleasant one.
“You must choose to banish four houseguests. The four you choose will be out of the Big Brother game. These four will then go head-to-head in a battle for their Big Brother lives. Three will win their way back into the house. The fourth will see their game come to an end before the first eviction even takes place,” said Chen dropping a bomb on the house.
In another twist viewers found out that two houseguests already know each other. Christie Murphy once dated someone in Tommy Bracco‘s family for seven years.
“I am shocked. I have no words. I have to play this off like we do not know each other because that will immediately put a target on our backs,” said Tommy in the Diary Room.
Who will Jackson chose to banish and who will win the first HoH of the season? Watch part two of the premiere tomorrow night to find out.
Following the two-night premiere Big Brother will be broadcast Sunday, June 30 at 8et/pt.
Starting Wednesday, July 10, the show moves to Wednesdays and Thursdays at 9et/pt, with the Sunday broadcast remaining at 8et/pt.
The first live eviction airs Wednesday, July 3.