Big Brother Spoilers: Veto sets the table for more scheming
Big Brother Spoilers: Veto sets the table for more scheming

By John Powell –
As soon as today’s veto meeting ended the scheming began.
Tyler did not use the Power of Veto leaving Memphis’ nominations the same. Either Kevin or Da’Vonne will be the second member of the jury.
Tyler let Da’Vonne know he wasn’t vetoing anyone off the block before the meeting was held. He apologized and explained that Da’Vonne went against the house’s wishes last week by using the veto to save Kevin.
Christmas and Tyler talked quietly to themselves in the kitchen after the meeting.
“The Carolinas have struck!” said Tyler referring to the fact the he is from South Carolina and Christmas is from North Carolina.
“Life is good!” responded Christmas smiling and drying off her water bottle.
“Yes it is!” said Tyler.
Christmas met with Enzo in the HoH room minutes later as they both tried to figure out what Da’Vonne meant by calling out some of the players at the veto ceremony. Christmas also aired her suspicions about Dani, Nicole and Da’Vonne.
“What was that speech about?” asked Enzo.
“She thinks I was set up from someone else to put up Bayleigh,” answered Christmas rolling her eyes. “You are being used as a pawn. You are being used as a shield. You are doing their dirty work.”
“She basically called out anyone who has had HoH,” laughed Christmas.
“I didn’t look at her. I was looking down,” said Enzo.
“The only people that she didn’t name were Nicole and Dani,” said Christmas.
“Dani is trying so hard to keep her,” said Christmas of Dani and Da’Vonne.
“She (Da’Vonne) is going to be the second on the jury. Have fun!” he said.
Christmas shared her hunch with Memphis next in the storage room.
“I am certain those three girls have had an alliance since day one maybe even pre that,” said Christmas.
“Maybe. We are going to nip it in the bud so it doesn’t matter,” said Memphis. “We don’t need to convince Enzo but we need to get everyone on the same page.”
Big Brother All-Stars 2 airs on Global three times a week: Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Thursdays (8:00-9:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves.