Big Brother Spoilers: Veto meeting upheaval
Big Brother Spoilers: Veto meeting upheaval

Big Brother Spoilers: Veto meeting upheaval
By John Powell –
This week’s potential targets have changed in the Big Brother house. Veto winner Tommy used the power to take Christie, his partner in the game, off the block. As HoH, Jackson nominated Cliff in Christie’s place beside Jessica.
Tommy apologized to Cliff as everyone hugged in front of the memory wall.
“It is that stage of the game. I get it,” said Cliff.
“Well, Jess here we go,” Cliff laughed as the two nominees met up in the kitchen.
“I am kind of used to it,” replied a dejected Jessica.
“My fourth time, your third. I am not surprised. It is what it is,” said Cliff pouring himself a glass of pop.
Tommy and Christie discretely met in the bathroom while the rest of the houseguests were outside or in the HoH room.
“Thank you,” Christie whispered to him.
“Of course,” smiled Tommy as he shaved his face in the sink.
“We are in the final six,” said Christie quietly trying to contain her excitement.
“I am curious to see how the rest of the week goes down,” he said tapping his razor.
The first one awake today, Tommy took the time to speak to the live feeders hours before the veto meeting took place.
“We are down to the final seven. I won the veto so I will be in the final six which is very exciting. I am very excited about that. The dynamic and energy of the house changes at this time. It becomes less fun and more game and in some ways, more fun. I know that doesn’t make sense. Now that we are at the end, you can see the end in sight and it makes it even scarier,” he said as he swung in a hammock in the backyard.
“I find myself very excited to leave and knowing in the same breath that as soon as it is over, I will want to go back because it is so amazing being in here. This whole opportunity is amazing, getting to play my favourite game in the whole entire world. It is just a huge dream come true but I cannot wait to see my family and I cannot wait to go home,” he finished quickly just as Jessica came out to join him.
Big Brother airs Wednesdays and Thursdays at 9et/pt and Sundays at 8et/pt on Global TV.
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