Big Brother Spoilers: The Big Brother Game Gets Complicated
Big Brother Spoilers: The Big Brother Game Gets Complicated

John Powell –
There has been a shake-up in the Big Brother house.
Claire won the Coin of Destiny becoming the new HoH. Since she is working with Tiffany though, Claire decided not to change the nominations.
Sarah Beth, Kyland and Xavier remain on the chopping block.
As part of winning the Golden Power of Veto, Hannah got to pick three houseguests to come see a movie with her. She picked the nominees.
“You already provide your own entertainment. Big D, please don’t be mad,” laughed Hannah as she spoke to a disappointed Derek Frazier.
“Big D is about to tear me apart,” Hannah joked to Kyland as she exited the bedroom and saw him in the front room relaxing.
“I won the Golden Power of Veto! I actually won something! Now, I have the power to send Sarah Beth out the door and I am so excited about it! Plus, I can use this to take Xavier off the block and get myself further in this game. It is getting down to six people and it is all going according to plan. I get to watch a movie!” said an excited Hannah to the cameras in the bathroom.
Hannah confirmed to Tiffany that she beat Sarah Beth by 23 seconds in the veto competition.
“You and me are sending her (Sarah Beth) to jury,” said Hannah to Tiffany.
“Yes we are,” replied Tiffany.
Big Brother USA airs on Global on Sundays and Wednesdays at 8:00-9:00 PM, ET and Thursdays at 8:00-9:00 PM, ET.
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