Big Brother Spoilers: Nominees find friendship, laughter in finality
Big Brother Spoilers: Nominees find friendship, laughter in finality

By John Powell –
The writing is on the wall and it cannot be erased. Either Janelle or Kaysar will be voted out this Thursday.
Power of Veto winner Cody left Tyler’s nominations the same at today’s meeting.
Enzo clapped Kaysar on the shoulder afterwards.
“I am fine. I have been through this before,” said Kaysar making lunch in the kitchen.
Kaysar gave Janelle a hug asking her how she was doing.
“I am totally fine. I feel like I have done this a million times. This isn’t my first rodeo,” she laughed.
Cody hugged and apologized to Janelle.
“It is all good. I was going to compliment you on your jeans. Those are cute jeans,” she said smiling.
“God, I hate that I like you guys so much,” said Kaysar causing everyone in the kitchen to chuckle.
Later, Janelle and Kaysar sat in the lounge, relaxed and chatted.
“So, do you want me to just go around and piss everyone off?” Kaysar asked.
“No! Stop it!” laughed Janelle.
“Right now, they think I am a nice guy but it doesn’t have to be that way,” said Kaysar winking at Janelle.
“Kaysar, you ARE a nice guy,” replied Janelle.
“I want to piss everyone off so you can stay,” Kaysar insisted.
“Why would you do that?” asked a dumbfounded Janelle.
“You are a better game player than I am,” Kaysar admitted.
“I am not going to deny that,” said Janelle.
They both cracked up, laughing loudly.
“You can make me feel a bit better about myself and say I am not THAT bad,” said Kaysar.
Janelle rated Kaysar as a decent player but he has no self-control.
“You get all excited. You want to do things and that gets us into trouble,” said Janelle.
Kaysar asked Janelle for her advice on what to do if he is the one who stays this week.
“Just go into the shadows and don’t do anything. What I am saying is stop trying to lead people into the Promised Land. It is just out of control,” she giggled.
They both laughed again.
“I got carried away,” confessed Kaysar holding his hands up.
“And so did Nicole A and now she is gone and we are in trouble,” said Janelle.
“I met you here 15 years ago. That is insane. I could have done a better job at maintaining our friendship. I think that should change moving forward,” Kaysar promised his tone becoming more serious.
“It is crazy that we are only best friends in the house. Why is that?” asked Janelle.
“Because we are both weirdos who don’t put effort into maintaining certain kinds of relationships. I have always had that problem but that is not an excuse,” said Kaysar. “You live so far away and you like to spend your time drinking champagne and flying on private jets.”
“That was so 15 years ago. Now, I am just a middle aged woman living in the Midwest,” said Janelle.
Big Brother All-Stars 2 airs on Global three times a week: Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Thursdays (8:00-9:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves.