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Big Brother 19 Spoilers: House Has Secured Nominations

Big Brother 19 Spoilers: House Has Secured Nominations

Big Brother 19 Spoilers: House Has Secured Nominations


By: John Powell – GlobalTV.com

The Big Brother 19 house has secured their nominations for the week. Jessica Graf, this week’s Head of Household and Veto winner, had all of the power.

She elected not to use the Veto and left Ramses Soto and Josh Martinez on the block. They are now the final nominations for the week.

After the meeting, Josh celebrated on the live feeds using his very odd, very strange Italian cuisine references.

“Meatballs! This linguini (Jessica) didn’t use the Veto on Ramses and left him on the block next to me. You f—-d up, Jessica! You linguini, you f—-d up! I am coming for all you meatballs on Thursday, baby! I love this house,” he said to one of the cameras, rolling around on a couch.


In the HoH room, Jessica and Cody kissed and chatted about how things went.

“The Veto ceremony went perfect,” said Cody.

Jessica told Cody that Christmas asked permission to throw a vote to Ramses because otherwise Josh will be evicted by an anonymous vote. According to Christmas Abbott, Josh has always had her back and she doesn’t want to cast a vote against him.

“I explained that having Ramses up there is really hard for me. The kid has never done anything to me and I promised I would advocate for a unanimous vote so I am standing by that,” said Jessica. “My opinion is not going to change. I want a unanimous vote on Thursday.”

“She is such an idiot,” Cody said of Christmas.

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CATCH UP NOW ON THE LATEST EPISODE: Big Brother Season 19, Episode 13