Big Brother spoilers: New HoH on a hot streak
Big Brother spoilers: New HoH on a hot streak

By John Powell –
The new Head of Household is on fire this week.
Cliff Hogg, the petroleum engineer from Texas, not only won the Camp Comeback Competition to return to the game on the live eviction show but he also won HoH.
“Let’s call this victory dance number two! I am dancing alone but I bet I will have a lot of people who want to be my dance partners. I don’t quit. I don’t give up. You never tell me I cannot do something! ” said Cliff as he danced alone in the storage room.
Cliff promised to the live feed viewers that his targets would not be personal.
“Before I open this up, it is family. We are all family,” said Cliff to everyone as he revealed his HoH room.
Cliff received his George Strait playlist, pictures of his family and a letter from his wife, Sharon.
She wrote:
Dear Cliff,
Hi. I love you. I am so proud of you. If you are reading this it means you won HoH. Yay!
You are an amazing husband and a wonderful father. We are so lucky to have you.
Your mom and the rest of the family came down to visit for a few days. Everyone is doing well.
It was a lot of fun hanging out with everyone. It was strange not having you here with us.
Everything is doing fine at home. Kelly and Daniel are doing great. Daniel has been interviewing for a position in Austin. Kelly is loving her new job. I have gotten to see a lot of them which makes me happy.
We all miss you but know you are having an amazing adventure.
The grapes and luffas are growing like crazy. Lots of yellow flowers on the luffas. I am taking pictures of them so you can see their transformation.
Also, it looks like we are going to have one happy puppy because there are a ton of avocados this year. I already saw her carrying one in her mouth. Hoping it fell off and she didn’t pick it.
I love you so much. I am so glad that you are my husband. I am so proud of you for all of your accomplishments and for you just being you.
All my love,
Big Brother airs Wednesdays and Thursdays at 9et/pt and Sundays at 8et/pt on Global TV.
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