Big Brother Spoilers: New HoH could change the game
Big Brother Spoilers: New HoH could change the game

Julie Chen Moonves. Photo Courtesy: CBS.
By John Powell –
The Outsiders (Turner, Terrance, Alyssa and Kyle) could be in the position to wrest control of the game from The Leftovers (Monte, Taylor, Michael and Brittany).
Turner won tonight’s Head of Household competition. This is his second reign. He previously won the title during week three and targeted Ameerah.
With the house split twist done and dusted The Leftovers grilled members of The Outsiders about why they voted Joseph out.
Brittany quizzed Alyssa in one of the bedrooms.
“Most of the information I got was from Joseph,” said Brittany suggesting she was a victim of Joseph’s deceptions as well.
“And it was bulls—t,” said Alyssa complaining that Joseph had her pegged wrong as some kind of “savage” Big Brother player who would turn on her showmance Kyle or any of her friends in the house.
“I play this game caring about and liking people. Maybe I should strategize more now that we are at the halfway point. I am open to conversations if I want to do that but that is not who I am and I think Joseph stretched the truth on a lot of things,” said Alyssa.
Brittany told Alyssa she voted out Jasmine because she felt she could never get back that trust which was broken early on in the game.
“This is the close of chapter one and the opening of chapter two,” said Brittany smiling.
Michael then joined the conversation. Alyssa explained things away to him too.
She told him that Joseph was targeting her at Dyer Fest and spreading misinformation.
Michael preached the same Leftovers sermon claiming it was unsettling for him and Brittany to learn that Jasmine had a whole bunch of other alliances in the house. Her disloyalty was why she was voted out.
As Monte played Chinese Checkers with Turner he picked his brain about what happened at Dyer Fest.
“I know that I didn’t say anything about The Leftovers but we had one-on-ones that were like 10 minutes. Joseph was turning into Pooch towards the end,” said Turner shaking his head.
“Kyle was trying to convince me of some s—t earlier and I was awfully concerned,” said Monte.
Turner explained that he had to vote along with Alyssa or he would look very suspicious and HoH Terrance was going to send Joseph to the jury if there was a tied vote any way. Therefore, it was a lose-lose situation for him.
“There was nothing I could do and it sucked. I was emotional because that was our boy,” Turner told Monte.
This week’s special double eviction saw both sides of the house send someone packing on the live eviction show.
At Big Brochella, The Leftovers alliance’s plan was carried out to perfection and Jasmine was voted out by Taylor and Brittany.
“I am not going to say I am completely shocked…Their mannerisms and their body language this week at Big Brochella told me I was probably going to be the one going home,” said Jasmine in her exit interview with Julie Chen Moonves.
Joseph became a victim of the Split House Double Eviction when Dyer Fest’s Turner and Alyssa voted him out.
“Apparently it looks like my bromance (with Monte) was more intimidating than the showmance. It seemed to be everyone’s concern,” he explained of why he was voted out.
Big Brother USA airs three times a week on Global TV. It airs Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves.
To catch up on the recent episodes click here.