Big Brother Spoilers: Houseguest Sets Up His Friend For A Big Fall
Big Brother Spoilers: Houseguest Sets Up His Friend For A Big Fall

By John Powell – GlobalTV
Head of Household Kyland set the wheels in motion today to cut his best friend in the house and the game.
Although Kyland and Derek Xiao are close friends and allies, Kyland has paved the way for his potential exit as he is not part of the Cookout Alliance.
Early this morning, Kyland purposely brought Xavier to the HoH room so he and Derek could get on the same page and not target each other. It worked out better than Kyland hoped though.
The meeting was to take the target off Xavier and lull Derek into a false sense of security…and it worked. In the end, Derek agreed he didn’t need to win Head of Household and to throw it to Xavier or possibly someone else.
Kyland spoke directly to the cameras when Derek and Xavier were gone to explain his plan.
“That was a weird conversation and I have a weird feeling because I’d say that my dream scenario would be that Derek X would decide that he doesn’t want to win the next HoH and he just said that. It breaks my f—–g heart,” said Kyland to the cameras.
“We just had the very first meeting of me, Xavier and Derek in one room at the same time by ourselves and that makes up 100 per cent of the HoHs that are still in the house. My goal for that meeting was to build some sort of trust between Derek X and Xavier. At the end of that meeting, Derek said he does not think it is his advantage to win HoH,” he continued.
“I hope that Derek is not HoH next week because honestly I love him and I want him to go as far as possible in this game but sadly, due to my commitment to the six, that would only mean to top seven. With this power twist he became a much bigger threat though since he’s the only person outside of the six who would be able to win that Coup d’etat power and give him full control over the HoH. Thus, he’s become too dangerous to keep going forward so it has become the top priority that he go next week,” he conceded.
Kyland also claimed he had been pushing his individual, personal game aside because of the Cookout.
“I am decreasing my overall chances of winning this game as an individual but I love this game and I want to play this game one time for myself. The more that I can get out what I’m doing well to as many people viewers as possible I’m hoping that’s the more chances I’ll have for showing the things that I’m doing well, that might be missed in a way and that can hopefully get me invited back for a future season. I want to play this game one time completely for myself whether that’s like coming back or on All-Stars or whatever,” he said stating that this time, he wasn’t playing for himself.
“I hope that in the future I can have an opportunity where I get to play the game 100 per cent for myself. My top priority is getting six people to final six,” he said affirming his mission.
Big Brother USA airs on Global on Sundays and Wednesdays at 8:00-9:00 PM, ET and Thursdays at 8:00-9:00 PM, ET.
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