Big Brother Spoilers: Houseguest sees Veto Decision as a ‘Slap in the Face’
Big Brother Spoilers: Houseguest sees Veto Decision as a ‘Slap in the Face’

By John Powell –
Kyle’s veto decision has upset some people in the Big Brother house.
He has elected not to use the veto and has left the nominations the same meaning Indy or Terrance will be going home this week.
Kyle broke the news to a downcast Indy who is already having a tough week having to dress up like a punk rocker and stage “concerts” at Big Brother’s whim.
“I am leaning towards not using it today. I just wanted to let you know before the ceremony,” Kyle told Indy in the bathroom. Indy nodded her head and shrugged her shoulders before getting into the shower.
At the same time a worried Terrance touched base with Head of Household Taylor who was making her morning coffee.
“You have nothing to worry about,” she assured him about the vote this week.
“We have to move strategic as hell now. Without making a big move you made a big move. This will come back to bite you in the ass. You had the opportunity to let someone make a big move and you took that off the table,” Terrance warned, not aware of the larger and dominant Leftovers alliance.
“Me? The most vengeful bitch in this house?” she laughed.
Indy and Kyle spoke again on the patio when she was finished getting ready for the day.
“Don’t feel bad. It is okay. I know it is the game,” said Indy of his decision.
“This is a 100 per cent because of Alyssa, right? Because of your feelings? If you guys (Alyssa and Kyle) keep your word to keep me that would be helpful because then I have you, Alyssa, Joseph and Jasmine. That’s four votes to stay…and maybe Michael and Brittany,” said a hopeful Indy.
“I think that Michael and Brittany will vote together,” said Kyle also confirming he will keep her over Terrance.
Kyle then told Alyssa about his plan when she came outside and Indy left.
“I am leaning towards not using the veto. How would you feel about those two staying up?” he asked.
“Fine,” said Alyssa curtly.
Kyle positioned his choice as him not wanting to put their game as allies at risk if he were to use it.
A suspicious Jasmine convened with Alyssa and Indy in a bedroom right before the ceremony.
“Taylor promised Indy safety and then put her on the block?” said Jasmine throwing up her hands in disbelief.
Jasmine didn’t think Kyle and Taylor’s stories are lining up. Taylor told Jasmine that she asked Kyle to used the veto and he refused.
“This is the thing Alyssa and I hope this stays between us and not Kyle, that either means he is working with Monte to protect him or he is not really aligned with us and he only cares about you. Unfortunately, I love you and the only reason I love him is because I love you,” said Jasmine to Alyssa.
“This is like a slap in the face because we could have kept someone who was going to be a number for us,” she continued.
Jasmine comforted Indy in the bathroom after the ceremony was over.
“I am fine. Michael said he would vote for me to stay and Brittany as well,” Indy told Jasmine when she asked how she was feeling.
Indy let Jasmine know she’s the only person she can trust now.
Big Brother USA airs three times a week on Global TV. It airs Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves.
To catch up on the recent episodes click here.