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Big Brother Spoilers: Houseguest initiates ‘go home’, exit strategy

Big Brother Spoilers: Houseguest initiates ‘go home’, exit strategy

Big Brother Spoilers: Houseguest initiates ‘go home’, exit strategy


By John Powell – GlobalTV.com

A Big Brother houseguest may soon get their wish to be sent home.

Tyler Crispen, the co-owner of a jewelry company, has been wanting to hit the eject button for weeks now.

He met with Bayleigh and Da’vonne earlier today to let them in on his new exit strategy which would coincidentally save them.

“I see how bad you want to be here and I feel guilty that I don’t want to be here that bad. I don’t want to take that away from either of you guys. I’m going to ask Christmas to use the veto on one of you and put me up and I want to go home. I owe you guys that. I think you guys can do better and I think you deserve better,” he told the happy ladies as he cried.

Tyler then spent a long time in the diary room and once he exited he went directly to the HoH room to speak to Christmas. The 38-year-old fitness entrepreneur from Raleigh, North Carolina, has become a triple threat. Not only did she become Head of Household on Thursday’s live eviction show but she has went on to win one of the Big Brother Basement powers and the Veto Competition.

“I wanted to have a little conversation with you and I want to come clean about some stuff,” he said sheepishly.

“I feel like I am in trouble,” said a surprised Christmas.

“Oh, no. You didn’t do anything,” Tyler reassured her.

“I just really appreciate how open you have open you have been with me because my thing in this game was never trust anyone a 100 percent,” he continued.

“It is Big Brother,” said Christmas.

“So, I feel like you have trusted me 100 percent and it means a lot,” said Tyler.

“Thanks,” replied Christmas.

“I just feel that I haven’t been as forthcoming with you as I should be so I am sorry for that,” he said.

“Oookay. Thank you?” said a very confused Christmas. “Is there something I need to know?”

“No. I just feel like I am the reason why Bayleigh and Da’vonne are on the block,” he said as the live feeds cut.

Downstairs, Bayleigh and Da’Vonne questioned Tyler’s true intentions.

“Do you think this is a ploy for him to look good on TV and it really not happen and he stays?” asked Bayleigh.

“No, because…” said Da’Vonne before the feeds were cut.

Meanwhile, Nicole and Dani were concerned about the amount of time Tyler was spending with Christmas in the HoH room. They feared he was throwing them under the bus and trying to get them backdoored.

“She was acting weird,” said Nicole of Christmas when she went to speak with her.

“Did Tyler talk to you when he went up there?” asked Nicole.

“No, he just looked at me,” replied Dani.

“It is obviously going down. He is throwing me hard right now. She is not going to do it,” Dani said.

After her marathon meeting with Tyler, Christmas bumped into Da’Vonne in the storage room.

Christmas explained that she hasn’t made her decision about the veto yet.

“I am making my points as delicately as possible and I wanted to pull you in because my opinion is no matter who is up there I want you in this house,” Christmas said to Da’Vonne.

“If I am up next to her (Bayleigh) I don’t have the votes,” said a worried Da’Vonne.

“If I do use it and do put him (Tyler) up there I don’t know who would stay. I just don’t know,” said Christmas.

The veto ceremony is tomorrow.

Big Brother All-Stars 2 airs on Global three times a week: Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Thursdays (8:00-9:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves.