Big Brother Spoilers: HoH moves on to next target
Big Brother Spoilers: HoH moves on to next target

By John Powell –
This week’s HoH has carried off their back-up plan.
At today’s Power of Veto meeting Kevin used the power to remove himself from the block. Enzo nominated Christmas in his place as she volunteered to be nominated in order to broker even more trust with Enzo.
Either Kaysar or Christmas will be evicted this week.
Kaysar, who had pitched Enzo on nominating David in Kevin’s place, wondered why Enzo didn’t follow through with his suggestion.
“Did you even consider it?” asked Kaysar.
“Trust me, I did, replied Enzo.
“How come you didn’t go for it?” Kaysar pressed.
“There is a lot going on in this house. I thought of everything,” answered Enzo.
“Well, I tried,” Kaysar sighed.
“I know. I could be out next week knowing how this house is going,” said Enzo.
Cody and Enzo met before the ceremony to make sure they are on the same page about their next target: Danielle.
“I think we play nice this week. We get rid of Kaysar. He is coming after you and Tyler any way. Get rid of him,” said Enzo.
Cody told Enzo how Danielle revealed the Slick Six alliance to Tyler.
Cody explained how he walked things back with Tyler pretending he already mentioned the alliance to him and apologized if he hadn’t.
“Now he has doubt in his mind about us and that is because of Danielle,” groused Enzo. “We had a good thing with Tyler and she did that purposely. I am done with her.”
Cody suggested confronting Danielle about what she did. Enzo warned Cody to take things easy for now because if they don’t Danielle could stir up even more trouble for them.
“Dani is trying to drive a wedge between everyone,” Enzo warned calling Danielle’s gameplay “sloppy”.
“The Slick Six is not an alliance. It was always you, me and Tyler. I think we are still good,” said Cody insisting that Danielle and Da’Vonne are at the top of Tyler’s hit list.
Enzo suggested the best way to handle Danielle is to backdoor her.
Big Brother All-Stars 2 airs on Global three times a week: Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Thursdays (8:00-9:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves.