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Big Brother Spoilers: HoH corners The Connection

Big Brother Spoilers: HoH corners The Connection

Big Brother Spoilers: HoH corners The Connection


By John Powell – GlobalTV.com

The Carolina Connection is about to be disconnected.

HoH Cody has nominated both Christmas and Tyler for eviction.

“What’s up, block buddy?” said Tyler to Christmas after the ceremony as they exchanged a hug.

As they talked, Christmas and Tyler agreed that they don’t understand why Enzo kept Nicole in the first place during the triple eviction last night.

“It doesn’t make sense. He has been terrified of Nicole the entire time. I just don’t get it unless he is working with them. You put up Nicole. Memphis put up Nicole. There is a common denominator,” said Christmas.

“One of us has to win the veto. Memphis goes up and we vote him out,” replied a hopeful Tyler.

Christmas left Tyler and went to speak to Cody in the HoH room.

“I don’t have it out for you,” Cody promised her.

“I totally respect you. Personally, I think you are the best. I wanted you to know that I pop off sometimes but I pop off when people are dumb about things and are coming at me. I don’t feel you are coming at me,” said Christmas starting to cry. “I just wanted you to know I am not taking this personally. It has just been a hard two days.”

Cody assured Christmas she isn’t his target.

Reader Alert: Going forward, the Sunday Big Brother broadcasts are now moving to Mondays on Global TV  for the rest of the season.

Big Brother All-Stars 2 airs on Global three times a week: Mondays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Thursdays (8:00-9:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves