Big Brother Spoilers: HoH Announces Their Targets
Big Brother Spoilers: HoH Announces Their Targets

By John Powell –
They have worn the crown for less 24 hours but the current HoH already knows who they are nominating and why.
Speaking to the live feeders, Tiffany revealed who her target is this week.
“I am going to nominate Kyland and I am going to nominate Sarah Beth. It is what’s best for the Cookout right now. I hope it is also what is best for my personal game. I have legitimate reasoning for my nominations for the entire house and hopefully everything goes as planned,” she said.
Tiffany is worried that the Coin of Destiny or Power of Veto could shake up her plans depending who wins the powers.
“I am hoping that all the power remains in my hands this week. That’s a lot to ask for but I’m hopeful. I hope if anybody does win the Coin of Destiny that it’s somebody that’s working directly with me so my nominations stay the same,” she said.
Speaking to Azah alone, Tiffany confirmed what her plans are.
“What do you think we should do? Should we put them both up at the same time and just out ourselves?” asked Azah.
Tiffany shook her head in the negative.
“We should still keep up the ruse?” asked Azah.
Tiffany said they should and mentioned that if any of the Cookout has to leave first then that person should be Kyland.
Tiffany explained that she has fooled Sarah Beth into thinking Kyland is her target this week.
“She thinks he is my target and I want to keep it that way,” she said.
Big Brother USA airs on Global on Sundays and Wednesdays at 8:00-9:00 PM, ET and Thursdays at 8:00-9:00 PM, ET.
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