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Big Brother Spoilers: Fan tries to interfere with Big Brother game

Big Brother Spoilers: Fan tries to interfere with Big Brother game

Big Brother Spoilers: Fan tries to interfere with Big Brother game


By John Powell – GlobalTV.com

Well, that’s one way to make yourself heard.

For the second time this season a fan has yelled a message over the wall and into the Big Brother house in an attempt to influence the game and the houseguests.

“Nicole and Cody are playing everyone!” said Sunday night’s yeller twice while Christmas, Memphis and Kaysar and other houseguests were in the backyard.

Immediately the live feeds to the house cut to an abstract shot of stars as they usually do when a competition is held, the houseguests are given instructions by production, etc.

When similar circumstances have occurred in the past the houseguests have been ordered into the house and are told to ignore anything they hear or possibly saw.

A few weeks ago another fan yelled either “F–k Nicole, get her out!” or “Nicole and Cody Final 2!” into the backyard in the very same way.

This is not the first time outsiders have sent messages into the house. In the past fans have paid banner planes to fly messages over the house, thrown messages over the wall into the backyard and have yelled other messages.

One of the most notorious banner messages was during Big Brother 2. A banner flew over the house reading “N&W IN HOTTUB I’M BETRAYED & HURT – J”. This message was sent by Nicole Schaffrich’s husband Jeff after she had frolicked with Will Kirby in the hot tub one night.

The producers set aside their no contact with the outside world rule so that Nicole could call her husband and iron everything out.

Nicole finished second and Will won that season.

The producers issued a cease and desist order against Blue Yonder Air pilot Jerry Hider during Big Brother 8 to prevent him from flying a message over the house which would have revealed Eric Stein was secretly America’s Player.

A banner reading “WE (HEART) NICK! AMBER & ERIC ARE LIARS! LNC IS THE NERD HERD” had already flown over the house.

Perhaps one of the most humourous alerts was when a fan used a drone to drop a blow-up doll into the backyard during Big Brother 18.

The Big Brother house is located inside the CBS Studio Center in the Studio City district of Los Angeles, California.

In other Big Brother news, Kevin won the Power of Veto over the weekend and is guaranteed to remove himself from the block at tomorrow’s meeting leaving Kaysar to face a new nominee.

Big Brother All-Stars 2 airs on Global three times a week: Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Thursdays (8:00-9:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves.