Big Brother Spoilers: All-Star nominees are all tears
Big Brother Spoilers: All-Star nominees are all tears

By John Powell –
It was another week of nominations and another day of even more waterworks in the Big Brother house.
Memphis has nominated David and Nicole Anthony for eviction.
Once the feeds returned from the ceremony David and Nicole were shedding tears while receiving hugs from some of the other houseguests.
“I am a grown man. It is all good,” sobbed David.
“It is fine. It’s a game. I cannot deal with pussy-footing. I just cannot take it,” cried Nicole as everyone dispersed and she walked away wiping her eyes and blowing her nose.
“He looked dead at you,” said Kevin to David in the storage room about Memphis’ nomination.
“I knew it was coming,” said David.
“You can turn this around. I was at a low when I thought I was gone,” said Kevin about being nominated last week.
David explained that he is angry at the strong words Memphis used in his nomination speech. Memphis drew a line in the sand.
According to David, Memphis said to him in his speech: “Welcome to the grown-up table”.
“It was intentional to get in your head, Turn up in the veto,” Kevin advised.
Christmas, Cody, Bayleigh, David, Da’Vonne, Kevin and Ian played in today’s Safety Suite competition.
Christmas won and choose Ian as her plus-one. Both Christmas and Ian are safe from eviction this week.
“I wanted the whole house to know I am here to play. I am here to dominate. If you are coming after me you’d better have your target dialed in because I am a sharpshooter, baby!” said Christmas to herself and the cameras as she celebrated her win.
Big Brother All-Stars 2 airs on Global three times a week: Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) and Thursdays (8:00-9:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves.