Big Brother Live Feed Update: Veto winner surveys (interrogates) the house
Big Brother Live Feed Update: Veto winner surveys (interrogates) the house

Kimo Apaka, Quinn Martin, Leah Peters, Makensy Manbeck, Joseph Rodriguez and Rubina Bernabe. Photo: CBS.
Leah, this week’s PoV winner, is taking a very diplomatic approach to the veto meeting today. She is picking the brains of all her fellow houseguests.
“I wanted to have one-on-ones by the day got away from me,” said Leah to Quinn in the bathroom last night.
“Follow your heart. Who do you trust?” suggested Quinn.
“This is an HoH room conversation, I think,” whispered Leah.
Quinn said he felt like Joseph was going rogue on them.
“He is just micro aware of stuff,” said Leah dismissing the paranoia.
They spoke about bringing Chelsie into their new alliance but they fear she won’t separate from Cam.

Leah Peters. Photo: CBS.
“If we include him the alliance is too big,” said Quinn. “I think we should all operate under the assumption that people who flipped on Tucker are good together. Do we think Makensy would be more loyal to us over Chelsie and Cam?” he asked.
“Makensy talks. She shares s—t with everyone. That’s what I am worried about,” answered Leah.
Early this morning Leah had her one-on-ones with the other houseguests before they went to bed.
Leah told Angela she just wants to hear everyone’s opinions about what she should do with the veto. Angela wants to maintain a final two with Leah. She feels she will lose in the AI Arena and be voted out this week. Leah told her that their relationship is real.
“One thing about me is I make my own decisions. I am going to do with I believe is right,” said Leah.
Angela told Leah to do what is best for her game but started crying talking about both of them being at the end together.
Kimo complained about being a have-not and being sooooo hungry.
“I am NOT going to ask you to use the veto on me because it makes no sense for your game. Just congratulations on winning. I hope I don’t go home,” said Kimo.
“No matter what I do, it won’t be fun,” said Leah.
Kimo to Leah: “We should have been playing together for awhile.”
Leah: “That is always something I wanted from you.”
“I want a fighting chance to do something that I have struggled to get there…I fell into things I didn’t choose and weren’t in my original plan. I want to do something super intentional. If it is something that doesn’t resonate with you that is okay. I am willing to take a risk on something. I believe in no risk there is no magic,” said Rubina talking about a women’s alliance without saying she is talking about a women’s alliance.
“Now that Tucker is gone I feel it is a new game. I have felt suffocated…I think you and I have the same read on the house,” said Chelsie. She thinks Joseph hasn’t been honest with her. “He is playing both sides of the house. I don’t like how he talks about people and how he ranks people….Joseph is my primary target. I know if he won HoH I would be on the block.”
“Me, too,” said Leah.
Cam thinks their relationship has gotten better. Leah thinks it has too.
Joseph is worried that the rest of the house is pairing them together. Leah understands him distancing himself from her. Joseph feels that the house wants Makensy gone but he doesn’t.
Spoke about creating a new alliance with Leah and others.
Quinn is the HoH this week. He nominated Angela, Rubina and Kimo for eviction.
Big Brother airs on Global TV on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT and Sundays at 9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT.
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