Big Brother Live Feed Update: Intense Veto fallout continues as another fight breaks out
Big Brother Live Feed Update: Intense Veto fallout continues as another fight breaks out

Quinn Martin, Credric Hodges, Leah Peters, Kimo Apaka, T’kor Clottey and Angela Murray. Photo: CBS.
Today’s turbulent Power of Veto Ceremony is still sending shock waves throughout the house.
As per the plan hatched by Tucker, Kenney, Cam and HoH Cedric, Tucker used the Power of Veto on Angela removing her from the block.
Cedric then nominated Makensy in her place when the scheme was to put Quinn on the block. Makensy used her America’s Veto Upgrade removing her from the block and forcing viewers to vote for her replacement. Tucker and Kenney are the current nominees.
After a heated house meeting Tucker still feels like Cedric blindsided him while Cedric claims he told Tucker to use the veto on himself before the ceremony.
An angry and frustrated Tucker spoke with Chelsie alone in one of the bedrooms.
“We were all there. Cedric publicly apologized for what he did,” said Tucker.
“Kenney told me he didn’t know,” said Chelsie.
“He f—–g knew! We were all there!” replied an irritated Tucker.
“I believe you,” said Chelsie.
“Just so you know, two days ago Kenney, Cedric and I started hashing out this plan and we formed The Shakers. Because we were going to “shake s—t up”. Then, Cam came in yesterday when we were about to finish the s—t and then we changed it up to The Players. Why would I NOT save myself?” Tucker explained.

Tucker Des Laruriers. Photo: CBS.
“He talked no game with Quinn. He wanted to keep his hands clean,” Tucker then said of Cedric.
Tucker said when he spoke briefly with Cedric before the meeting he didn’t tell him to use the veto on himself. He just said that he didn’t think they had the votes to get Quinn out.
“I told him I don’t give a f—k about the numbers,” said Tucker thinking the plan was still on as he was taking all the risk.
“If we go through with this it could be the biggest move of the game! Why would he put Makensy up?” asked Tucker.
“Cam is still denying it. We are not dumb though,” said Chelsie. She and Rubina have agreed to keep Tucker in the house if he still on the block after the AI arena challenge. They don’t believe what Cam and Kenney have told them.
“Why would I not use it on myself if it wasn’t a for sure thing?” asked Tucker. “I am not quitting this game and I will beat all their asses.”
“He is trying to flip to protect his game,” said Chelsie of Cam.
Cam then came into the room.
“Kenney is now saying he wasn’t a part of it. He was shocked about this whole Angela thing,” Tucker told Cam.
“That is crazy. I think what he is doing now is trying to save his butt,” said Cam.
“Cedric is telling everyone he didn’t know anything about it and now Kenney is following suit,” said Tucker.
Cam told Tucker he admitted to everyone that he was part of the plan to backdoor Quinn.
“It backfired and that’s it,” he said.
“Some people are acting surprised and we aren’t buying it,” said Chelsie.
“The one time I tried to scheme and it blew up in my face. I am done lying,” Cam sighed.
Cedric entered the room.
“So, Cedric why are you telling people I am a liar?” asked Tucker.
“What did I tell them?” replied Cedric.
“You want to tell me or do you want me to say it? I know what you are telling everyone. It is getting back to me real quick,” said Tucker. “You are telling people you had no idea I was taking Angela off.”
“That’s false,” said Cedric.
“I’ve heard it from multiple people now,” Tucker fired back.
“I told you don’t use the veto except on yourself,” Cedric claimed.
“That is not what you said! You said we didn’t have the numbers,” said Tucker.

Cedric Hodges. Photo: CBS.
“You are going to watch it back…” began Cedric.
“I am going to watch it back knowing I told the truth this whole time, bro!” said Tucker.
“I am telling you exactly what happened,” said Cedric.
“You blindsided me up there…I was up there risking my ass for you. You had nothing to worry about. All you had to say is I am putting Quinn up because he didn’t talk game with me which he didn’t so what happened?” asked Tucker.
“What do you mean what happened?” asked Cedric.
“You blindsided the f—k out of me!” shouted Tucker.
“I told you to use the veto on yourself,” repeated Cedric.
“You did not! Are you serious?” asked Tucker.
“Watch it back. That is exactly what happened,” said Cedric.
“You are wilding out, bro,” said Tucker shaking his head.
“Like I said earlier, bro. I am gunning for you! You are my Number One target now! You have a lot of other people coming after you. You didn’t want to get your hands dirty. I told you to use me,” said an angry Tucker.
“I told you to use the veto on yourself,” said Cedric once again.
“You did not! If you did, I would have used it on myself! Why the f—k would I stay up there?” asked Tucker.
“I am telling you I didn’t blindside you,” said Cedric.
“Yes. You. Did.” replied Tucker. “You cannot even look me in the eyes you are so guilty.”
“I just don’t want to get into it with you. I don’t feel guilty in no type of way,” answered Cedric.
“Go spread your lies more, bro! Keep digging your f—–g grave because I am coming back from the AI arena and I am going to bust your ass! The truth will prevail, motherf—-r!” Tucker promised.
“I agree and I hope it does,” said Cedric. “We are going in circles.”
“No! I am figuring out your lies,” said Tucker.
Both men then left the room and went their separate ways.
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Big Brother Live Feed Update: Power of Veto betrayal, Makensy uses her Upgrade