Big Brother Live Feed Update: Dirt still being shovelled on buried nominee
Big Brother Live Feed Update: Dirt still being shovelled on buried nominee

Makensy Manbeck. Photo: CBS.
Being stabbed in the back by your ally is bad enough. Having more dirt thrown on you after you have already been buried is insult upon injury.
For HOH and Power of Veto winner Makensy the damage has already been done. She was convinced, mainly by Chelsea, to put up two allies in Angela and Leah on the block. Despite getting her way Chelsie continues to drag Leah.
Chatting alone with Chelsie in the HoH room Makensy fretted about what her next move should be. She has noticed a change in Angela though.
“Angela is so nervous,” said Chelsie.
“I don’t know why,” answered Makensy. “She’s making me nervous.”
Makensy admitted she is worried and has every right to be because she just put her “best friend” on the block.
Chelsie started shovelling dirt on Kimo insisting that Cam is starting to worry about Kimo. Makensy agreed, she is too.
“He is someone we should be worried about,” said Chelsie.

Makensy Manbeck. Photo: CBS.
“If he or Angela comes into power I can see them switching on us and one of us is going to go,” said Makensy claiming that Leah would have their backs as when she spoke to Rubina and Kimo both said Leah never spoke game with them.
Chelsie said that Leah is on the block and yet she is still being dishonest with her. Chelsie is sure that if Leah wins HoH she is going up alongside Makensy.
Later, Makensy gave Rubina a lowdown on her long discussion with Leah.
“Most of it was personal stuff. I know what she said,” said Makensy.
“Chelsie said she denied everything,” said Rubina.
“She admitted to the fact that she said Chelsie was a threat,” said Makensy.
About their conversation the other day Leah and Chelsie came out of it still distrusting each other.
Tomorrow’s live show will be a double eviction episode.
Big Brother airs on Global TV on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT and Sundays at 9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT.
Stay tuned for more news, views, interviews and live feed spoilers all season long and watch the latest episodes here.
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