Big Brother: Celebrity Edition Recap & Highlights – Episode 10
Big Brother: Celebrity Edition Recap & Highlights – Episode 10

By: Cristina Deguara –
There’s a new HOH (Head of Household) in town and you’re not going to believe who it is!
We pick up with Metta World Peace making his great escape and now there are only 7 celebs left in the Celebrity Big Brother house. What we didn’t see last week was that right before the live show Metta asked Omarosa to put him up and get him out. You’ve got to give Omarosa props. She could have kept him in and continued with her diabolical plan to torture everyone within arms’ reach.
Ross Mathews has convinced Marisa Winokur to work with Mark and James for a new final four. Ari and Brandi Glanville still think they’re a part of the original final four so it’ll be fun to see when this news breaks loose (and it will break loose). In the meantime, James reaches deep for a name and comes up with a few ideas: Team Rad Sauce? The Sexy Gremlins? Sloppy Seconds? Deez Nuts? Roomie Squad is the big winner which is a blessing because I didn’t want to have to keep referring to these clowns as Deez Nuts.
CATCH UP NOW: Celebrity Big Brother Season 1, Episode 9
It’s time for the head of household competition and the celebs square off to see who can slide across a red carpet without falling off the fastest. The first three to compete are Ari, Marissa and Brandi. The carpet is loose which makes it a tough challenge. As the clock ticks on the carpet tightens which is supposed to make things easier but watching these gals flop around you wouldn’t know it. The carpet finally gets tight enough that Brandi can race through it and she’s the first to clock in. Marissa is next and then it’s Ari bringing up the rear.
Ross, Mark and James Maslow are in the next heat and they’re just as unbalanced as the women. It’s obvious that this course is impossible to complete until the rope tightens up a few times.
Mark finally makes it across and is the first one to check in. James is a close second and Ross, well, Ross is trying really hard. He finally makes it across and now it’s time to find out who the fastest three will be in the final heat.
Mark checks in with the fastest time at 1:23. Second place is James at 1:52. The third contestant is Brandi at 6:48. Now math isn’t my strongest suit but with a five-and-a-half minute spread, I’m betting that one of the boys will win this HOH.
In the commercial break, Big Brother offers viewers the opportunity to vote for their favourite houseguest to win 25k in cash which will be announced during the finale. Because rich people don’t have enough money.
It’s the final heat and James has made it across but instead of clocking in for a win he waits for Mark so that he can have the opportunity to win the challenge. Mark checks in and he’s crowned the new head of household. Omarosa suspects Mark’s act of generosity stems from the fact that had he won he wouldn’t be able to compete in the next HOH competition but I think I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and trust that he gave Grandpa Mark the win out of the goodness of his heart.
Mark is thrilled and he’s got his sights set on Brandi and Ariadna. Behind the scenes Ross tries to convince Mark to get Omarosa out on the basis that every other word out of her mouth is a lie. Let’s hope he sticks to his original plan to split up the dynamic duo so that the woman we love to hate stays in a few more days.
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In casual conversation Brandi comes right out and asks Mark if he thinks James let him win so that he could compete in the next HOH. This could be the first time it’s occurring to Mark that James’ intentions may not have been truly selfless. Shame on Brandi for planting these nasty seeds in his mind. That’s not playing nice.
It’s time for the nomination ceremony and as intended Mark has put up Ari and Brandi.
Friday night is a two-hour live episode and another celeb will be sent home, wait, no, it’s a DOUBLE eviction night! With only a couple of episodes left things are moving quickly but if you miss one delicious moment you can still catch here with both the episodes and recap blogs.