Big Brother Barometer: Week Nine
Big Brother Barometer: Week Nine

By John Powell –
The houseguests are “roughing it” this season at Camp Big Brother. We hit the rewind button to see who really shone this week and relive those unforgettable moments.
This week’s Top Big Brother Moments are…
Moment # 4: Holly Gets Her First Prank As HoH.
Moment # 3: Nicole, Cliff and Jessica Get the Pie Punishment.
Moment # 2: Nick Wins America’s Prankster.
Moment # 1: Zingbot Pays a Visit to the Houseguests.
Week 9: Powell’s Picks
Who played it cool and who proved themselves to be a fool? Every week John Powell makes his picks for the worst and best players of the week.
Bronze Amateur: Jessica Milagros
If she were any more insignificant her name would be Victoria or Matt. For those who missed it, her strategy this week was giving makeovers to the houseguests. Perhaps she thinks she is on Style by Jury.
Silver Amateur: Zingbot
The zings came off as unimaginative and in Nicole’s case, just plain mean not snarky, poking fun in a friendly way. Someone needs to run an upgrade on that bot.
Gold Amateur: Nick Maccarone
He did all that he could to save himself. His campaign though was very stilted and very contentious which put many of the houseguests off. He didn’t do much of anything to soften the oily car salesmen perception the houseguests had of him though.
Bronze MVP: Jackson Michie
He did his part by winning the Power of Veto and is the new HoH. Despite being an impressive threat he is still in the hunt for the money.
Silver MVP: Holly Allen
Even though her HoH was hijacked she still maintained her composure, worked the house and some deals going forward. She has a strong partnership with Jackson and that helped to send her target off to jury.
Gold MVP: Christie Murphy
Compared to Nick she has a better chance of winning the game, however, she was kept over him. Taco Tuesday did plant some seeds that she germinated those seeds this week.
Big Brother airs Wednesdays and Thursdays at 9et/pt and Sundays at 8et/pt on Global TV.
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