Big Brother Barometer: Week Eight
Big Brother Barometer: Week Eight

By John Powell –
The houseguests are “roughing it” this season at Camp Big Brother. We hit the rewind button to see who really shone this week and relive those unforgettable moments.
This week’s Top Big Brother Moments are…
Moment # 5: Nick’s Upset with Sis and Christie.
Moment # 4: Tommy: You Can Always Look at Me and See Home.
Moment # 3: Christie Reveals Too Much.
Moment # 2: Houseguests Struggle to Stand on Their Feet.
Moment # 1: Taco Tuesday Takes a Turn.
Week 8: Powell’s Picks
Who played it cool and who proved themselves to be a fool? Every week John Powell makes his picks for the worst and best players of the week.
Bronze Amateur: Nick Maccarone
He was completely owned by Taco Tuesday. Christie was ahead on points from the very start. Nick didn’t mount a very convincing offense.
Silver Amateur: Everyone who voted for Christie to stay, except for Tommy
Like the great Wayne Gretzky said: “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” The houseguests had the opportunity to boot one of the strongest players this season and they decide to pass instead of shoot. Go get ‘em, Christie!
Gold Amateur: Analyse Talavera
She didn’t want to make any “big moves”. She didn’t want to play an aggressive game. She didn’t even see the need to campaign hard this week even though her game was on the line. It is not a surprise that Analyse took her place on the Seat of Shame.
Bronze MVP: Tommy Bracco
He saved Christie last week so he had to tread carefully this week. He walked that tightrope, weighing his own personal game interests and his partnership with Christie.
Silver MVP: Jackson Michie
Sure, his target did end up staying, however, Jackson still put all the pieces into motion. There is only so much a HoH and a Veto holder can do to influence the vote. He completed his end of the bargain. The house didn’t.
Gold MVP: Christie Murphy
It was off the wall. It was crazy. It worked. Christie put her nose to the social and strategic grindstone in one of the most energetic campaigns we have seen on Big Brother USA in some time. Christie is a colossal threat to win. Still, she managed to convince the house to keep her. That took some masterful manipulation.
Big Brother airs Wednesdays and Thursdays at 9et/pt and Sundays at 8et/pt on Global TV.
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