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Big Brother Barometer: Week 12

Big Brother Barometer: Week 12

Big Brother Barometer: Week 12


By John Powell – GlobalTV.com

The houseguests are “roughing it” this season at Camp Big Brother. We hit the rewind button to see who really shone this week and relive those unforgettable moments.

This week’s Top Big Brother Moments are…

Moment # 5: Cliff Threatens Michie.

Moment # 4: Holly Throws the HoH Comp.

Moment # 3: Michie Tries to Persuade Nicole, Cliff to Keep Holly.

Moment # 2: Tommy, Michie Duke it Out to Win Nicole, Cliff’s Trust.

Moment # 1: Michie Sends Cliff Out the Door

Week 12: Powell’s Picks

Who played it cool and who proved themselves to be a fool? Every week John Powell makes his picks for the worst and best players of the week.

Bronze Amateur: Cliff Hogg

Threatening Jackson with the jury was not bright. All he had to do was pitch that he was already voted out and would be the perfect goat to bring to the finals. Still, it was doubtful that Jackson would ever drop Holly. Once Jackson won Veto, Cliff’s game was over.

Silver Amateur: Holly Allen

After she threw the HoH to Nicole, she let Jackson run with the game. It was Jackson locking horns with Cliff. It was Jackson smoothing things over with Nicole.

Gold Amateurs: Cliff Hogg and Nicole Anthony

They got bamboozled by Jackson and saw their alliance end.

Bronze MVP: Holly Allen

She stayed out of danger and let Jackson do all of the legwork, take all of the hits?

Silver MVP: Nicole Anthony

She convinced Holly to throw the Head of Household completion to her.

Gold MVP: Jackson Michie

Selling the Golden Gate Bridge to Cliff and Nicole saved Holly and sent Tommy packing. He then won that crucial Power of Veto forcing Nicole to nominate Cliff and once again saving his showmance and partner, Holly.

Big Brother airs Wednesdays and Thursdays at 9et/pt and Sundays at 8et/pt on Global TV.

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