Big Brother 20 Spoilers: New HoH Takes the Reins
Big Brother 20 Spoilers: New HoH Takes the Reins
By John Powell –
Hopefully, the third time will be a charm. Angela Rummans, the fitness model from California, is the new Big Brother 20 HoH (Head of Household). This is her third HoH reign this season. On the live feeds, Angela spoke about what she wanted in her HoH basket and could be seen washing dishes with the HoH key around her neck. It is not known what the HoH competition was as it was not shown on the live feeds.
What Angela doesn’t know is that her reign will come to an end on Wednesday, September 19th’s special eviction episode and a new HoH will be crowned in preparation for next Thursday’s usual live eviction show.
Like John “Hannibal” Smith used to say on the A-Team, I love it when a plan comes together and it did beautifully on yesterday’s live eviction show.
Level 6’s scheme to take a shot at Brett Robinson before he could target them worked like clockwork on the live double eviction episode.
First things first though. Haleigh Broucher, the last of her alliance, was sent to the jury house by a unanimous vote. Sam Bledsoe survived.
“I did a great job putting it there to begin with. It all began when I let a little secret slip about Bayleigh [Dayton] not being the hacker. It just went downhill from there,” said Haleigh when host Julie Chen asked about the target she put on herself and her biggest mistake in the game.
Tyler Crispen then won HoH and as per the scheme nominated JC Mounduix and Sam, all the while intending to backdoor Brett when he was convinced to throw the Veto competition.
Angela won the POV (Power of Veto) taking JC off the block.
“I call this move being just one step ahead,” said Angela.
Tyler then nominated Brett who was then summarily voted out of the house.
When Chen called Brett out for plotting to get Angela or Kaycee Clark out if he won HoH, Brett admitted he wasn’t as loyal to Level 6 as it seemed.
“I knew I could beat JC and Sam. If I ended up final four, I didn’t know if I could beat Kaycee and Angela,” he answered.
Next week will feature two eviction episodes, one on Wednesday and one on Thursday making the final five, the final three.
Big Brother airs Sundays and Wednesdays at 8 et/pt and Thursdays at 9 et/pt on Global. Watch Big Brother online the day after broadcast on or on the free Global Go app for iOS and Android.
CATCH UP NOW: Big Brother Full Episodes – Season 20