Big Brother 20 spoilers: HoH Survives Crazy Comp
Big Brother 20 spoilers: HoH Survives Crazy Comp

By John Powell –
A familiar face is moving back into the Big Brother 20 HoH (Head of Household) room.
Tyler Crispen outlasted the other houseguests in an endurance competition shown on the live feeds. Haleigh Broucher came in second. This is Tyler’s second reign as HoH.
The houseguests had to hang from ropes in an endurance competition while avoiding being hit with a huge pie, pie filling and custard.
JC Mounduix was the first out of the competition. Sam Bledsoe fell off next with Scottie Salton following minutes later. Brett Robinson took a bad fall when he left the competition. Kaycee Clark was next to drop leaving Tyler and Haleigh to fight it out.
On the live eviction show, Fessy (Faysal Shafaat) was voted out by everyone except Sam who voted for Haleigh.
Host Julie Chen asked Faysal why his alliance didn’t try to pull in more allies.
“Going into the house, I didn’t know how I was going to play the game. I just knew one thing, I was going to compete in competitions. I wasn’t going to throw anything. I was going to be loyal to people from the beginning so I didn’t want to turn my back on anyone. I was going to stick it out and ride until the wheels feel off,” he said.
Scottie won the Jury Battle Back beating out Faysal, Rockstar (Angie Lantry) and Bayleigh Dayton. Scottie now has a second chance at winning Big Brother 20.
On the whole, the houseguests were pleased to see him back and immediately caught him up on everything that happened during the week he was gone.
“Dude, you are back in the house!” said Kaycee.
“I knew it, dude!” said a happy Tyler who had predicted Scottie would win.
Angela welcomed Scottie “home”.
Scottie confirmed the Jury Battle Back was revealed to the jury members over last weekend.
Scottie told the houseguests that once he saw what the Battle Back competition was, he was hoping it wasn’t Faysal who was voted out of the house because of his reach.
Big Brother airs Sundays and Wednesdays at 8 et/pt and Thursdays at 9 et/pt on Global. Watch Big Brother online the day after broadcast on or on the free Global Go app for iOS and Android.
CATCH UP NOW: Big Brother Full Episodes – Season 20