Big Brother 20 Spoilers: HoH drawing a line in the sand
Big Brother 20 Spoilers: HoH drawing a line in the sand

By John Powell –
This week’s HoH has declared war. Tired of their shadowy, underhanded gameplay, Faysal wants to target those players who are just floating to power and have no loyalty.
Faysal met with Tyler in the HoH room on the live feeds this morning to lay out his strategy.
“Long story short, I don’t know for sure what I am going to do but one thing is I need your word. I have been a man of my word. I am not touching you,” Faysal told Tyler.
“The same thing back to you,” Tyler replied smiling.
“It makes sense to get the better physical competitor out of the house but I am not doing that. I don’t care. I would rather go to the top four and battle it out. I am a man of my word. I have done everything I have said I was going to do even though we voted on opposite sides. You have never been my target. Win all the competitions you want. I don’t give a damn,” Faysal said adamantly.
Faysal explained to Tyler he has no problem with him winning the Veto if he wants to secure his safety, he just wants him to leave the nominations the same.
“I can do that,” Tyler promised.
Angela entered the HoH room joining the conversation. Faysal laid out the same thing to her.
“Even though he (Tyler) is a great physical competitor like me, I ain’t touching him. It doesn’t make sense to me. With you, we have never talked game. I told you when you were HoH I am a man of my word and I am so I am still not putting you up,” Faysal confirmed.
“I appreciate that,” said a thankful Angela.
Once Tyler and Angela had thanked Faysal and left the room, Kaycee spoke to him.
She apologized getting a bit heated with Scottie and Faysal the night before.
“I wanted to talk to you, actually. I don’t know what I am doing yet but I know you and I haven’t really talked game but that doesn’t mean you are my enemy,” Faysal clarified.
“I agree, you have never been on my radar either,” said Kaycee.
“What I am going to say is that what makes me upset and mad is the stuff in-between,” said Faysal about the people playing both sides of the house. Kaycee agreed.
“That is the s—t that pisses me off because people try to play as if the whole house is dumb,” he said.
Faysal made his plan clear. He wants the two sides to come together, get out those in the middle for the next few weeks and then battle it out later on.
Faysal makes his nominations for eviction today.
Big Brother airs Sundays and Wednesdays at 8 et/pt and Thursdays at 9 et/pt on Global. Watch Big Brother online the day after broadcast on or on the free Global Go app for iOS and Android.
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