Big Brother 20 Spoilers: Fire in Big Brother House
Big Brother 20 Spoilers: Fire in Big Brother House

By John Powell –
Someone needs to tell Brett Robinson that he is on Big Brother 20 and not Hell’s Kitchen.
Over the weekend, Sam Bledsoe had an allergic reaction to the food Brett made causing her to rush to the Diary Room to seek immediate medical attention.
Obviously, Brett had no idea of Sam’s sensitivity as she didn’t even know she was allergic to tuna or fennel seeds herself, so it was just a terrible set of circumstances that thankfully ended well for everyone.
Brett’s cooking though is at the centre of yet another controversy today.
While baking bacon coated with a chocolate and maple syrup concoction, he caused a massive fire in the oven that had smoke billowing out into the kitchen.
Kaycee Clark covered her mouth and expressed surprise as she entered the kitchen and saw all the smoke.
“We have a fire!” Brett called to production.
“Are you kidding?” asked Sam from another room.
“I am dead serious,” responded Brett before the feeds cut to the fish tank in the house and the producers brought in help to deal with the fire that seemed contained to just the stove.
When the feeds returned about 40 minutes later, Brett and Kaycee were in the kitchen pleased that whomever had helped put out the fire had also cleaned the stove. The kitchen appeared fine with no damage or debris.
“Should I finish what I started?” said Brett to Kaycee as he turned on the stove again.
On tomorrow night’s live eviction show either Kaycee or Scottie Salton will become the third member of the jury.
Big Brother airs Sundays and Wednesdays at 8 et/pt and Thursdays at 9 et/pt on Global. Watch Big Brother online the day after broadcast on or on the free Global Go app for iOS and Android.
CATCH UP NOW: Big Brother Full Episodes – Season 20