Big Brother 19: Kevin Schlehuber Exit Interview: My Family has Already Spent the $25,000
Big Brother 19: Kevin Schlehuber Exit Interview: My Family has Already Spent the $25,000

John Powell –
Kevin Schlehuber, Big Brother 19’s dapper dad, is one happy juror. No matter what happens on next Wednesday’s finale, he is bringing home a cool $25,000 to his family. In the premiere, Kevin accepted $25,000 but he had to throw the first HoH competition and Paul Abrahamian entered the house to play again.
“What am I going to do with it? It’s probably already spent! You’re gonna have to call my wife and daughters, they probably already have the money spent. I don’t think I’m going to get any of that money but they can do whatever they want and use it,” said Kevin of his winnings.
Kevin didn’t debate accepting the money and taking the temptation because he thought someone was going to eventually. He has never regretted taking the money. What he does regret is telling Josh he did so as Josh used the information against him.
Perhaps more than any other season, there have been many heated confrontations and intimidation used as strategy. Kevin says it made for a very divided house and a very negative house.
“I thought sometimes they were planned or part of the game or strategy and then I saw that a lot of them didn’t like each other and I think that really hurt. I think it made good TV and entertainment but I think it hurt the base, the core, of the house itself because a lot of people were separated and there was a lot of animosity,” he explained.
What boggled Kevin’s mind the most was how the Houseguests would still trash talk those who were long gone. He never understood any of that.
“Like when Cody [Nickson] was gone, every day they would get up and be talking about the same thing – I mean he’s gone, let it go and move on. I think it made an aggressive type atmosphere, where they would break into alliances and whoever had the most in their alliance people went with,” he said.
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At 56-years-old, Kevin was the oldest Houseguest this season. Knowing the youngest and the oldest are usually the easiest targets at the start of the game, Kevin purposely faded into the background and scoped out the other Houseguests.
“It was really difficult because I was getting know 15 different personalities and decipher which ones you wanted to go to and which ones you didn’t. You needed to decide which ones you could trust and which ones you couldn’t,” he said of his first few weeks in the house.
Giving his full trust to Paul, Kevin never pondered rallying the others against him. To Kevin, he was the only one he could truly count on. Viewing Paul as head and shoulders above the rest when it comes to gameplay this season, Kevin was truly disappointed in Dominique Cooper more than anyone else. Kevin believed she would make it far.
RELATED: Dominique Cooper Big Brother 19 Exclusive Post-Eviction Exit Interview
“The most surprising one who didn’t play a good game was Dominique. I thought she would be in the top four. I was really disappointed when she went out so early,” he said.
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CATCH UP NOW ON THE LATEST EPISODE: Big Brother Season 19, Episode 38