Angela’s boss isn’t firing her over Big Brother behaviour
Angela’s boss isn’t firing her over Big Brother behaviour

Angela Murray. Photo: CBS .
Unlike former Big Brother houseguests who have lost their jobs over their behavior on the show Angela Murray won’t be penalized for hers on Big Brother at least not yet.
TMZ is reporting that although they have been beset by complaints from fans and viewers Elite Realtors won’t be sanctioning Angela.
Liz Sears, Angela’s boss, stands by her employee because she is “playing a villain role” and that has nothing to do with the real Angela outside of the house.
Sears went even further to say that she is “dumbfounded” that a lot of fans don’t realize that reality television is “fake”.
Sears says that Angela’s villainous persona on the show is a strategy and she is a fan of Big Brother.
Elite Realtors disabled Angela’s bio page due to the comments being posted there. This led many to assume she had been fired from the company.
While only on the show for a short time Angela has gotten into heated confrontations with Matt, Lisa, Quinn, Kenney and Joseph.
Angela is a reality TV regular. Angela has not only appeared on numerous game shows but an episode of Dr. Phill with her family.
In previous seasons of Big Brother, houseguests such as GinaMarie Zimmerman and Aaryn Gries have lost their real-life jobs due to their abusive and sometimes racist and homophobic behaviour on the show.