Big Brother Spoilers: And The Week One Evicted Houseguest is…
Big Brother Spoilers: And The Week One Evicted Houseguest is…

By John Powell –
Travis Long, the surfer and technology sales consultant from Hawaii, has the distinction of being the first houseguest to be voted out of Big Brother USA 23.
Although it wasn’t shown on the broadcast, before he left the house Travis attempted to blow up Frenchie’s game for the promises he broke in the house. In one instance, Frenchie promised Travis and some others safety on the very first night.
“I told him straight-up that was a bold claim and sure enough he did not uphold it and people had to know about it,” Travis said to host Julie Chen-Moonves.
Travis was voted out by a margin of 11 to 2. Only Derek F and Tiffany voted for him to stay but Derek F’s vote was a planned “hinky vote” to cause chaos in the house.
Kyland won the ‘Pool Shark’ competition to become this week’s HoH. He and the entire Queens team of Tiffany and Claire are safe this week.
Chen-Moonves revealed that in the next Wildcard competition on Sunday night’s show the winner will have to switch teams if they want safety for the week.
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