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Survivor 35 Scoop – Week 5 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments

Survivor 35 Scoop – Week 5 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments

Survivor 35 Scoop – Week 5 Recap: Winners, Losers, Top Moments


By: John Powell – GlobalTV.com

The swing vote. Like many Survivor hallmarks it is often a hotly contested subject with fans.

On one hand, sometimes the person who casts that all-important vote is genuinely stuck between two alliances. They have equal pull and status in both groups. They are in a situation where they have to take a stand and finally make a choice about which side they will support.

Sometimes though, the swing or deciding vote is just a plot device used for dramatic effect. The final vote positioned as someone in particular to boost a storyline or an angle. If one really examines the votes though it can be determined that any of the Survivors could have been that one pivotal vote.

On Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers the chances for a swing vote has increased with the tribal switcheroo separating the core alliances. That makes for a very fascinating set of circumstances. The question is whether the person stuck in the middle is seen as an easy out or an ally. Thus far, they have all escaped the axe.

WARNING: Spoilers below this line…

Survivor Scoop – Week 5: Top Moments

This week’s Top Survivor: Heroes v. Healers v. Hustlers  Moments are…




Moment # 5: Cole Medders Pigs Out




Moment # 4: Chrissy Hofbeck Flubs a Challenge




Moment # 3: Mike Zahalsky Finds the Hidden Immunity Idol




Moment # 2: Ben Driebergen Discusses PTSD




Moment # 1: Accusations Fly at Tribal Council


Next time on Survivor

RELATED: Play the Survivor Fantasy Tribe Pool | Survivor: Heroes v. Healers v. Hustlers

Week 5: Game Fail – Roark Luskin


Roark talked herself right out of the game. Surrounded by two Hustlers and two Heroes, she could have been a power player or at least a swing vote but she didn’t position herself well. She didn’t have a good read on the tribe and that’s why she had her torch snuffed just minutes after it was lit.

Strategic Gameplay

Unfortunately, there is nothing to really go on besides what we saw this episode. Roark has been largely invisible this season. We witnessed her talking strategy with Chrissy and her comments at Tribal Council. Her chat with Chrissy really didn’t go anywhere because she didn’t trust her for not talking to her earlier. Her pointed remarks at Tribal Council showed that she picked a fight with the wrong player.

Rating: 1 / 5

Social Gameplay

Joe Mena ripped on Roark’s cooking ticking off the rest of the Healers Tribe. Outside of that we have no clue as to how Roark got along with anyone. Her status looked fine. People weren’t complaining about her and they weren’t praising her either. From that all we can assume is that she had a balanced game.

Rating: 2 / 5

Entertainment Value


Besides what we saw this episode and her being chewed out for her cooking, Roark is a complete mystery. She simply didn’t have enough air time to properly evaluate her gameplay or her character. The others appeared to view her as some kind of mastermind. It would have been nice to see why they felt that way.

Rating: 1 / 5

Final Castaway Rating: 4 / 15

Week 5: Powell’s Picks

Who played it cool and who proved themselves to be a fool? Every week John Powell makes his picks for the worst and best players of the week.


Bronze Amateur: Chrissy Hofbeck

Her actions at the Immunity Challenge and Tribal Council were questionable.


Silver Amateur: Alexandrea “Ali” Elliott

She picked the wrong side to support at Tribal Council. She clearly wasn’t aware of the tribal politics either.


Gold Amateur: Roark Luskin

Bad judgment. Bad gameplay.


Bronze MVP: Mike Zahalsky

Clever dude found the Idol while also keeping close to Jessica.


Silver MVP: Chrissy Hofbeck

She made it through a tough situation unscathed.


Gold MVP: Ryan Ulrich

He positioned himself well making the best decision for himself at Tribal Council.

Watch Survivor: Heroes v. Healers v. Hustlers Wednesdays at 8 et/pt on Global.

CATCH UP NOW: Survivor Season 35, Episode 5: “The Past Will Eat You Alive”