12 Days Of Y&R Holiday Giveaways: Day 4
12 Days Of Y&R Holiday Giveaways: Day 4

The holiday season makes us especially nostalgic. It leads us to think about our friends and family, both new and old. Thankfully, Christmas is the perfect time to reconnect! Here’s a Throwback Thursday to everyone at The Young and the Restless sending their warm holiday wishes to you.
PS: We’ve read your wonderful comments sharing how long you’ve been watching Y&R and your personal connections to the show. We’d love to hear more. Please share in the comments below!
Missed the last giveaway? Get Your Day 3 Giveaway here. Don’t forget to come back every day until December 22nd to get your Y&R goodies. You never know what you’ll get next!
Find out what happens next on The Young and the Restless weekdays at 4.30 ET / 4.00 PT on Global, on GlobalTV.com or the Global Go app!