12 Days Of Y&R Holiday Giveaways: Day 10
12 Days Of Y&R Holiday Giveaways: Day 10

Each year you receive a pile of holiday greetings, but only a few of them will be really special. Maybe they’re from a friend you haven’t seen in years, a long lost relative, or the one that got away. Either way, they’re welcome tidings at Christmas time. We wanted to make your holiday greetings extra special this year. As thanks for being such wonderful fans over the past 45 years the cast of The Young and the Restless would like to personally wish you and yours a happy holiday. Take a look!
Missed the last giveaway? Get Your Day 9 Giveaway here. Don’t forget to come back every day until December 22nd to get your Y&R goodies. You never know what you’ll get next!
Find out what happens next on The Young and the Restless weekdays at 4.30 ET / 4.00 PT on Global, on GlobalTV.com or the Global Go app!